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Bawang Tiwai
Bawang Tiwai
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    Ramuan Asli Kalimantan " BAWANG TIWAI"

    Ramuan Asli Kalimantan " BAWANG TIWAI"

    110.000-150.000/paket (Belum termasuk biaya pengiriman)
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Cashier Order
    26 Produk
    Pack. & Delivery:
    Paket Kotak Kemasan
    ( That has been enhanced)

    Is " Bawang tiwai" a kind of onion forest is there in the corners of Kalimantan and grow wild in the forest. This combined the findings with the " parasite tea" and other plants that also ber property to cure people with chronic diseases, especially in the disease. The herbal medicine product product / herb " Bawang tiwai" East Kalimantan have been circulating that overlooks Indonesia and marketed using the direct marketing system ( Direct marketing) is as follows:

    1.KANKER / TUMOR: used for:
    Rp 120, 000, . Treat / prevent disease sufferer Cancer / Tumor
    in the intestine, breast, uterus is sometimes accompanied by
    bleeding, cyst in the uterus, lung cancer, brain cancer

    2.JANTUNG: used for:
    Rp 120, 000. Heart patients treated with symptoms of hand
    pins, chest pain, chest thump etc. difficult to sleep.

    3.STROKE: used for:
    Rp 100, 000. Improve the system because the body' s nerve paralysis.
    . Smooth circulation of blood.

    4.GINJAL: used for:
    Rp 100, 000. Treat acute inflammation in the kidneys, waist pain,
    overcome interference ureter
    . Menormalkan of kidney function.
    . Destroy kidney stones and gall stones.

    5.DARAH HIGH: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Treat high blood pressure, with symptoms of neck muscles
    feel numb, pins and hand / cramps
    . Smooth circulation of blood.

    6.SYARAF: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Treat symptoms of nerve disease.
    . Smooth circulation of blood keotak

    7.PROSTATE: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Treat / prevent Prostate cancer.
    . Reinforce ureter.

    8.TIROID: used for:
    Rp 120, 000. Treat people with hormone disruption tiroid the excess
    an, causing increased heart beat,
    prominent eyes, mumps, penebalan skin ditungkai, kegeli -
    sahan, fatigue, hand tremor, and decreased weight -

    9.LIVER: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Mengobati prevent any problems and liver disease,
    Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, with symptoms of weakness, interference
    digestion, decrease body weight, poor appetite etc..

    10.MAAG / USUS: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Treat bowel cancer, enteritis, acute ulcer and all

    11.GLYCEROL FORTE: used for:
    Rp 140, 000. Lower degree Triglycerida, Cholesterol, acid fiber
    ( uricacid) simultaneously.
    . Stroke prevent disease and heart disease Koroner
    due to consume too much fat, so mem
    Speed is the cumulation of fat in
    blood vessel, especially the heart vessel.

    12.SINUSITIS: used for:
    Rp 120, 000. Treat acute sinusitis ( chronic runny nose) , polyp, often
    sneezing, sneezing.

    13.PARU-PARU ( ASTHMA) : used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Treat respiratory disturbance / shortness of breath.
    . Reducing the mucus in the lungs.
    . Treat vomiting of blood due to lung tuberculosis.

    14.RHEUMATIK PLUS: used for:
    Rp 120, 000. Rheumatik treat acute.
    . Destroy kidney stones, gall stones, muscle pain.
    . Swollen feet due to excess acid fiber.

    15.DIABETES: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Treat people with the disease Diabetes Mellitus ( pee -
    sweet) because of genetics or because of Obesity and the result
    interference function of pancreas.

    16.VIAGARA.X: used for:
    Rp 140, 000. Improving the quality of Ereksi for men who mempu -
    gammer aberration function sexuality, Erectile Dysfunction
    ( Impotensi) and Ejakulasi premature.
    . The difference function as male sexuality effect
    Diabetes Mellitus and heart disease.
    . Increase Libido.

    17.ALERGI: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Healing the itch-itch because allergy.

    18.WASIR: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Treat / prevent disease hemorrhoids ( pile) and

    19.SPECIAL: used for:
    Rp 120, 000, . Increase vitality and stamina men.
    . Menormalkan function of sexuality.
    . Increase Libido / passionate sex.

    20.SEHAT FEMALE: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Treat / prevent tumor or cancer in women
    . Maintain body fitness.
    . Wage period, preventing keputihan.
    . Treat painful menstruation.

    21.SEHAT PRIA: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Increase vitality and stamina.
    . Maintain body fitness.
    . Menormalkan metabolism.

    22.SARI RAPAT: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Maintaining the health of women.
    . Reduce mucus, etc. keputihan.

    23.PELANGSING: used for:
    Rp 120, 000. Very good to lose weight because kegemuk
    an ( Obesity) .
    . Throw waste water ( constipation) .

    24.AMANDEL: used for:
    Rp 120, 000. Treat people with sore throat,
    . Treat enlargement of tonsil / tonsillectomy

    25.BUGAR: used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Adding food taste
    . Increase body weight.
    . Menormalkan hormonal system.
    Smooth blood circulation and metabolism.

    26.PENENANG. : used for:
    Rp 100, 000, . Mengobati of difficult to sleep ( insomnia)
    . Vertigo, anxiety, can not sleep soundly.
    . Migraine ( the head of a headache)
    . Memory function decline, forgetful.

    For more information please contact us to ensure the authenticity of the product, recommended buying on the distributor.
    Price over time can be changed and will be announced two days earlier.
    To outside Kaltim, plus shipping

    JL. DR. Wahidin RW.02 RT.10 No.16 SANGA-SANGA
    DISTRICT Kutai Kartanegara
    TELP 0541 - 671330

    HP 081347587899
    YM : leo_bec@ ymail.com
    Email : leo_aab@ ymail.com

    AHMAD FAUZI 08125533687
    Farah F

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