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PJU TS( Penerangan....
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PJU pole Solar power, wind power plant, and street lighting.

Pole Material: Galvanic Hexagonal.
Pole Shape: Under Orders
Pole Size: Length 6, 7, 9, 12 yards

PLTS ( Pembangkit....
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Solar Panel Poly Cystalline ST 80 Wp

1. Poly Solar Panel Crystallisne 80 Wp
2. BCU 1210 Global Energy 1 Unit Type
3. 100 Ah Battery 1 Unit
4. DC 10 W TL lamp 5 units

PLTS ( pembangkit....
Price :
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Solar Panel Poly Cystalline ST 160 Wp

1. Poly Solar Panel Crystallisne 160 Wp
2. BCU 1210 Global Energy 1 Unit Type
3. 120 Ah Battery 1 Unit
4. Inverter 500 W
5. DC 10 W TL....

Battery Control....
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The advantage of the Global Energy BCU 1210:

* Diagnose Battery condition automatically.
* Can be enabled Normal or Auto Load ( As Sun Switch) .
* Has a digital display for....

PLTS ( Pembangkit....
Price :
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Solar Panel Poly Crystallisne ST 50 Wp

1. Poly Solar Panel Crystallisne 50 Wp
2. BCU 1210 Global Energy 1 Unit Type
3. 70 Ah Battery 1 Unit
4. DC 10 W TL lamp 3 units

Price :

Baterry Charger Stasion -30
dapat digunakan untuk 48 rumah dengan kapasitas baterry yang didapat yaitu 70Ah multivoltage untuk kegunaan selama 4 hari

Emergency lamp ( ....
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Emergency lamp yang dilingkapi Baterry Control Unit Digital with Batterry analyser .
Dapat digunakan sebagaiback up penerangan baik sekala industri maupun rumah tangga.

Tiang Penerangan....
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Tiang PJU buat Penerangan Jalan Umum Konfensional ataupun Tenaga Surya.

showing 1-8 of 8