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Watukali Capita Ciptama,  Pt.
Watukali Capita Ciptama, Pt.
``MATOS \'The Real Soil Stabilizer\' - H Y D R A Q``
Contact Information
Mrs. Dwi Fitriyani [Technician]
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Phone number of Mrs. Dwi Fitriyani at Yogyakarta
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Jalan Affandi (Gejayan) CT. X No. 82
Yogyakarta 55281, Yogyakarta
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MATOS ' The Real Soil Stabilizer'[Jan. 5, 2010 1:15:14]
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Matos is aditif material that serves to solidify ( solidifikasi) and stabilize ( stabilizer) soil physical-chemical products in the form of fine powder material/ flour consists of the composition and the metal salt/ inorganic minerals, from sea water, safe to living things and friendly environment.
MATOS will dissolve the acid humus ( humic acid) that are found in soil and the retardation effect of ion association, so that the soil particles become easier to be negative ion ( anion) , so that kation Cazz can easily bind directly to the soil particles.

MATOS help supply more of ion and form compound silica acid so formed aluminum structure hive of 3-dimensional land particles.

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