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AFL String Wound Cartridges Filter[Jun. 29, 2010 19:16:30]
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AFL String Wound Cartridges Filter
AFL String wound filter cartridges provide a basic and effective particulate removal solution that has been used in industry for many years.
AFL supplies only the best wound cartridges manufactured to the highest specification under controlled systems.
A full range of sizes, diameters and micron ratings are available that can accommodate high flow rates and offer fewer cartridge change-outs.
Contact our technical department ( info@ profilterindonesia.com ) for detailed recommendations to suit your application.
AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String Wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String Wound, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound.
AFL String Wound filter cartridges
AFL String wound filter cartridges provide a basic and effective particulate removal solution that has been used in industry for many years.
AFL supplies only the best wound cartridges manufactured to the highest specification under controlled systems.
A full range of sizes, diameters and micron ratings are available that can accommodate high flow rates and offer fewer cartridge change-outs.
Contact our technical department ( info@ profilterindonesia.com ) for detailed recommendations to suit your application.
AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String Wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String Wound, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound.
AFL String Wound filter cartridges
AFL String wound filter cartridges provide a basic and effective particulate removal solution that has been used in industry for many years.
AFL supplies only the best wound cartridges manufactured to the highest specification under controlled systems.
A full range of sizes, diameters and micron ratings are available that can accommodate high flow rates and offer fewer cartridge change-outs.
Contact our technical department ( info@ profilterindonesia.com ) for detailed recommendations to suit your application.
AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String Wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String Wound, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge.
AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge
AFL cartridges are manufactured under controlled conditions to produce efficient and high capacity filters. The primary function of carbon is the removal of chlorine, volatile organic compounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons and organic impurities whilst acting as a mechanical filter for particulate reduction.
Designed to flow radially with a large mesh size they exhibit low pressure drops throughout the cartridge life. The high-flow characteristics are ideally suited to applications where suspended particulate matter is present that would plug a GAC or carbon block type cartridge and a short contact time allows for a high average chlorine and organic reduction.
AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String Wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridges, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL String wound filter cartridge, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL Cartridge String wound filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String Wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL String wound Cartridge filter, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String wound, AFL Cartridge Filter String Wound, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, Cartridge Filter, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, String Wound, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge, AFL Carbon Filter Cartridge.

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