Welcome to PT. Jaya Persada Nusantara

PT. Jaya Persada Nusantara

Not only build, but we are also able to renovate the Sports facilities
( Field tennis, basketball, futsal, badminton, running & jogging atrack, etc.) , with
Rubber Cushion manggunakan special materials that can improve the Technology USA
concrete / asphalt damaged / cracked without having to disassemble into Softcourt Hardcourt

Cont. Person: Hermawan Budiono

Tel. : 021-5375585 / 70655234 / 08164824272
Fax: 021-5377364 / 5375585

Web: www.jaya-sportbuilder.com

info@ jaya-sportbuilder.com
jaya_sportbuild er@ yahoo.com
jayapersada_sportclubbuild@ yahoo.com

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