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AGEN ABC ACAI BERRY DIETARY SUPLEMENT SOFT GEL Rp 80.000 HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2B43702D[Jun. 26, 2015 23:24:44]
Quantity Order:
Why ABC Acai Berry?
- 100% natural ingredients with a blend of fruit acai berry and Chinese traditional herbs selected
- No side effects like dizziness and frequent bowel movements. So it does not interfere with your routine activities
- It has been proven that the acai berry fruit has a lot of very useful content to the body as a useful omega9 omega6 and reduce the threat of heart, as well as other content such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc.
- Rich in fiber to make us feel full quickly and effectively restrain appetite
- May increase the metabolism and skin care
- ABC acai berry is a best seller in the market products that exist today and guarantee the quality forefront of other products!
- Being able to lose up to 40lbs ( 18kg) within 4minggu

Who should buy ABC Acai Berry?
- Women / Men who seek a beautiful posture and often fooled by products that are less qualified
- Women / Men are busy with activities that require a practical but effective supplement produced a great impact
- Agents of drugs that are looking for weight loss products of assured quality
- People who want to give to loved ones in order to get a more ideal posture

Directions for Use:
- 1x a day, 1 capsule once 30 minutes before or after breakfast
- Drink warm water
- For patients with ulcers, it is recommended to consume 30 minutes after breakfast

- 500mg x 30 capsules

Attention! :
- This product is not suitable for pregnant women, heart disease, and epilepsy
- It can not be taken with other drugs such as Panadol, antibiotics, etc.
* Buy Package $ 1 price. 80.000, -

NO HP: 0813 4365 4054
BB PIN: 2B43702D

A. Please list the full name
2. State the full address + zip code ( to determine the postage)
3. Specify how many boxes you order Acai Berry
4. Select the BCA / BNI / SELF / BRI to transfer your

Send to phone no: 081 343, 654, 054

Examples of SMS ( eg your name Fatur Rohman) :
Fatur, Order 2 boxes, Acai Berry, Jalan Desa RW017 Paledang RT08 15 districts of West Java, Bandung ambaran pralaya 14 520, via BCA
( Send to a no: 081.343.654.054)

Then we will return the total price + postage + bank brand.
Confirm your payment after the transfer:
sample transfer sms confirmation:
transfer Rp. 250, 000 for 2 boxes via BCA Acai Berry, of Fatur ( Black)
send via SMS to: 081 343, 654, 054
Packages sent neat ( plain to protect your privacy) .

Payment Please transfer to:

Bank Account

AN. Fathur Rohman
Cab. flagpole

AN. Fathur Rohman
Cab. Roa Malaka

AN. Fathur Rohman
Cab. Jakarta
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