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Sunx Sensor
PriceKompetitif dan bersaing
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
QuantitySatuan atau lebih
Pack. & DeliveryBox

SENSOR AND SYSTEM PRODUCTS: Fiber Sensors, Light Curtains Semiconductor Sensors, Proximity Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors , Wire-Saving System, Color Sensor, Photoelectric Sensor, Area Sensors, Particular Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Sensor Controllers, Laser Sensor, MEASUREMENT SENSOR PRODUCTS : Reflective Type.
Magenetic Displacement Sensor, Thru_beam Type. STATIC CONTROL DEVICE, Electrostatic Sensor, Ionizer( static remover) , LASER MARKING & PROCESSING, FAYb Laser Marker LP-V10 Series, CO2 Laser Marker LP-400 Series, CO2 Laser Marker LP-200 Series, FAYb Laser, Marker LP-F10 Series, CO2 Laser, Marker LP-300 Series

Contact Us :
Distributor SUNX, Agent SUN-X, Sales Sun X. Jakarta - Indonesia.
Website: www.taharica.com.
Email : sales@ taharica.com .

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